Government backing of high-risk mortgages has led to excessive lending at the expense of productive investment, helping to drive up home prices and debt levels
Hi Kareem, I just found your article on you possess an excellent writing style and flow. I loved the easy to follow math examples in the article to highlight the absurdity of the mortgage insurance policy. It explains why so many can't access a home and why we are economically stagnant. Thank you! I look forward to more of your thoughts on paper. I just subbed.
Brilliant Kareem! I'll have more to say later.
Thank you Urich! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hi Kareem, I just found your article on you possess an excellent writing style and flow. I loved the easy to follow math examples in the article to highlight the absurdity of the mortgage insurance policy. It explains why so many can't access a home and why we are economically stagnant. Thank you! I look forward to more of your thoughts on paper. I just subbed.
Thanks for reading Lexi, I really appreciate your positive feedback! Looking forward to discussing all of this more with you in the future.