Feb 4, 2023Liked by Kareem Kudus

Galen is a member of the lucky sperm club, not based on merit but inheritance only. This has been the dominant characteristic of the Canadian economic system since the first robber barrens exploited Canada .

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Galen is all about Galen. Always has been. Hugely egotistical. I worked for Loblaws for 51 years. When his father stepped down everything changed. His father was a decent man would never allow his employees to strike ( there never was one while he was in charge). He always found a way. When junior took over he eliminated sick days Christmas bonuses and clawed back benefits and vacation time. He really is all about himself and his argyle sweaters.

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As long as the government at all levels continues to collude with the wealthy at the expense of the people it is supposed to protect I don't see a way out. Government for the people by the people simply doesn't exist.

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True, James, the policies set by our Government have allowed this to happen. Hopefully we can come up with some better ones to get us out of this mess!

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I am not out of touch nor am I tone deaf. I am factual and realistic

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I think people should stop picking on Galen. He has worked in his parents company since he was a teenager and took control of the company when greedy friends of his Dad were undermining the company.

So he makes a salary of millions, he works for it.

Other grocery chains are also making millions but that's never mentioned.

If anyone is interested in being a Shareholder, nothing stops them from getting in the game if they so desire.

Shareholders being rewarded when the company does well, is a natural process. They were the ones who invested their money and it was their money that was at risk if Loblaws did not do well. Therefore, they are reaping the benefit of their investment. So why is that a problem.

Loblaws is a unionized company and so the union negotiates on behalf of the employees.

You all need to also stop complaining about the price of the Premium Chicken at Loblaws. If the price does not fit your budget, then you can buy the one that does. Other grocery chains also have Premium Chicken at the same price or higher, yet no one points that out.

You all need to stop your envy and green eye monster syndrome.

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Wrong. Nobody gets envious of those who are PRIVILEGED and EXPLOIT others . We envy or admire Philanthropy.

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How out of touch and tone deaf. If Galen opens his mouth and makes up ridiculous excuses for his pricing policies, he will get a response.

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And yet, Canadian government grant him millions of dollars to update his refrigerator equipment, just a couple years back.

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Crazy stuff, I was so shocked when I read about this while reasearching this story.

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Not only Canada the whole world is dealing with this issue!!!

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Great point Larry - weak antitrust laws/enforcement have been a global phenomenon, leading to these same problems everywhere

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